NABH Accreditation For Dental Healthcare Service Providers

The National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (NABH) has set forth Accreditation Standards specifically for Dental Healthcare Service Providers (DHSP), which include dental teaching institutions, dental hospitals, and clinics. These standards are meticulously designed to align with the Indian ethos and operational environment. The core emphasis of these standards lies in enhancing patient safety, ensuring high-quality care, promoting continual knowledge advancement, maintaining well-trained staff, and safeguarding environmental sustainability.

Patient-Focused Standards
  1. Access, Assessment and Continuity of Care (AAC)
  2. Care of Patients (COP)
  3. Management of Dental Materia and Medication (MOM)
  4. Patient Rights and Education (PRE)
  5. Hospital Infection Control (HIC)
Organization Focused Standards
  • Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)
  • Responsibilities of Management (ROM)
  • Facilities Management and Safety (FMS)
  • Human Resource Management (HRM)
  • Information Management Systems (IMS)
Advantages of Accreditation
  • It enables the organization in demonstrating commitment to quality care and patient safety.
  • Accreditation to a health care organization stimulates continuous improvement thereby leading to good clinical outcomes.
  • It raises community confidence among the patients as the services are provided by credentialed staff.
  • It also provides opportunity to healthcare unit to benchmark with the best.
  • An accreditation status promotes medical tourism
  • Accreditation also ensures objective system of empanelment under various government schemes and insurance agencies.
Who can apply?
All the Dental Healthcare Service Providers with the following criteria Section A: Dental Healthcare Service Providers with or without inpatient beds Section B: Dental Healthcare Service Providers upto 15 chairs.
How to apply for certification?
  • Online Registration: All aspiring healthcare organizations seeking accreditation can apply online by registering.
  • Refer to Brochure: For detailed information, kindly refer to the General Information Brochure available on the Hospital Accreditation page of the NABH website.
  • Oasis Hospital Solutions Support: For comprehensive assistance and guidance throughout the process, contact the Oasis Hospital Solutions team.